The 6th Palestine Forum for the Arabic Novel begins its operations at the Yasser Arafat Museum


The 6th Palestine Forum for the Arabic Novel started its operations on Monday, 7/10/2023, in Al-Muntada Hall at the Yasser Arafat Museum.

Dr. Ahmed Soboh, Director General of the Yasser Arafat Foundation, greeted the participants, emphasizing the importance of this event in maintaining the Palestinian and Arab narratives. Dr. Atef Abu Seif, Minister of Culture, thanked Yasser Arafat Museum, for organizing the event.

The author Yahya Yakhlef, winner of the Ghassan Kanafani Shield for the Arabic novel, was declared as the personality of the Palestine Forum for the Arabic Novel for the year 2023 by poet Abdel Salam Al-Atari, Director General of Literature, Publishing, and Libraries at the Ministry of Culture.

Participants from Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, Yemen, the Sultanate of Oman, Chad, and Jordan attended the inaugural event, as did 14 Palestinian writers from the West Bank, Gaza, and the occupied territories.