
1. To preserve the heritage of Yasser Arafat, his central role in contemporary Palestinian history, and to convey the values and concepts in which he believed and for which he struggled and was martyred;

2. To highlight the significance of the main events of Yasser Arafat's life — as an individual, a leader and a symbol — to the contemporary Palestinian national movement; and provide an institutional structure for the protection of the Palestinian national memory and its preservation for future generations;

3. To support the civic and democratic values of the Palestinian national movement, founded on the concepts of freedom, resistance, justice and peace;

4. To communicate the values of a national culture based on the values of truth, freedom, equality, openness, acceptance, honor and pride of heritage;

5. To enable the public, regardless of political affiliation, to explore the political developments and complexities that have impacted the Palestinian quest for freedom over a period of the last hundred years.